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Privacy Policy

In accordance with Basic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the protection of personal data and the safeguarding of digital rights (“LOPD”), the purpose of this policy is to explain how the Agbar Foundation processes and protects personal data that you provide or that we collect through our website (the “website”) via forms or cookies so that you can freely decide for yourself whether you wish us to process your personal data. The personal data that you provide to us via any electronic registration form that appears on our website and the personal data that we access as a result of navigation on the website or through queries, requests or operations performed through the website are collected in a Register of Processing Activities, the owner and data controller of which is the Agbar Foundation. You can update your personal data at any time so that the information in our files is always up to date and does not contain errors.

The data controller for personal data obtained via this website is the Agbar Foundation (“Agbar Foundation“) whose registered office is at carretera de Sant Joan Despí, 1, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat.


Purposes and legal bases of processing.

No personal data is required to be provided in order to visit the website of the Agbar Foundation (the “website”) and navigate the sections of which it is composed. However, we collect certain information concerning the navigation that you carry out (which at no time enables us to identify individual users) through cookies installed on your device. Please read our Cookies Policy in greater detail at

A user of the website may engage in different activities that require the processing of personal data and such personal data will be in general terms be processed by the Agbar Foundation which acts as data controller for the following purposes: (i) to facilitate the handling of queries and requests that you may make, and (ii) if you give us your express consent, to send you by any means including electronic means, promotional information concerning training, educational, popularisation, cultural, environmental and awareness-raising activities associated with the business of the Agbar Foundation.

The personal data that you provide to you for the purposes set out above will be retained until: (i) your query or request has been dealt with, and (ii) you withdraw you consent, when you have consented to receiving promotional communications. You can withdraw you consent at any time.

Please note that once the periods for the retention of personal data set out above have expired, the Agbar Foundation will retain your appropriately blocked personal data for the purpose of responding to any liabilities of any nature that may arise. We will delete your personal data when the limitation period for such liabilities has expired.

You can view the purposes relating to more specific forms of processing on each page that contains one of the various electronic registration forms.


Security Measures.

The Agbar Foundation processes your personal data in an absolutely confidential manner. It has adopted technical and organisational measures that are sufficient to ensure the security of your personal data and to prevent their destruction, loss, unauthorised access and unauthorised alteration. In determining those measures, account has been taken of matters such as the scope, the context and the purpose of processing, the state of the technology and the risks that exist.


Recipients of personal data.

Your personal data will not be disclosed to other persons or businesses for use for purposes of their own. However, some organisations contracted by the Agbar Foundation may have access to personal data and information in order to assist the Agbar Foundation to manage its website and as data processors will only process personal data in accordance with the instructions of the Agbar Foundation. In no case will they process the personal data of users for their own purposes or purposes other than those set out in this policy. The Agbar Foundation ensures that all such entities are in compliance with the law relating to the protection of personal data which applies to them in their capacity as data processors.


Rights of data subjects.

The law confers the right on a data subject who has given consent to processing to withdraw their consent at any time and to exercise the following rights in relation to the protection of personal data:


What is it?

Right of access

To be told which of your personal data we hold.

Right of rectification

To rectify any of your personal data that we hold that are inaccurate or incomplete.

Right of objection

To request that we do not process your personal data for certain specific purposes.

Right of erasure

To request us to delete your personal data.

Right of restriction of processing

To request us to delete your personal data.

Right to data portability

To request us to deliver the information that we hold about you in a computer-readable format.


To exercise the rights set out above or to withdraw consent, you should send your request by any of the following means: in writing by post to the address carretera de Sant Joan Despí, 1, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat with the subject “Data protection” or via this website using the following form, which you can send to us at the email address Please note that you should attach to your request a copy of your National Identity Document or another equivalent form of identity. If you are acting as the legal representative of a data subject you should also attach your own National Identity Document and the document conferring power of representation. If a request does not comply with the stated requirements, the Agbar Foundation may request it to be amended. There is no payment for the exercise of rights.

In addition, the Agbar Foundation has appointed a data protection officer who you can contact if you have any query or complaint in relation to the protection of personal data. You can contact the data protection officer in any of the following ways:

• Email:
• By post: carretera de Sant Joan Despí, 1, 08940 Cornellà de Llobregat


Your complaint will be investigated confidentially and you will receive a reply from our data protection officer.

In any event as data subject you can make a complaint to the competent data protection authority, in this case the Spanish Data Protection Agency via its website


Social media

As a general principle, the social media profiles of the Agbar Foundation (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) are solely for informational purposes. If you provide personal data to us through private messages on social media in connection with a query or request submitted by that means, the personal data provided will be used solely to respond to the request made as described in this policy. You should note that you should not include your own or third-party personal data (such as email address, name, landline or mobile phone number) in open messages on any social media platform. If you are not certain whether or not your message can be read by a third party, you should use a different channel.