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The space and permanent exhibition

At the Museu de les Aigües, education and knowledge are mixed with a unique and singular historical heritage, with more than 100 years of history, where modernism plays a fundamental role.

A modernist heritage building

The museum occupies one of the modernist buildings of the Cornellà pumping station. The group of buildings and the surrounding landscape bear the mark of different architects, from Josep Amargós i Samaranch to Antoni Gaudí.

The Cornellà air raid shelter

The museum hides an exciting place of historical interest: an air raid shelter from the Civil War.

This construction was created to protect factory staff during bombing raids by Franco's army. Today, it is a symbol of the commitment of the workers at Aigües de Barcelona, since, thanks to their work, the water supply was maintained throughout the Civil War.

The museum gardens and the Gaudí Waterfall

The Museu de les Aigües garden is a very special space that stands out for its biodiversity, in which natural, agricultural, industrial and artistic elements coexist.

The Gaudí Waterfall, designed by Antoni Gaudí, is one of the modernist architect's earliest works. It was originally constructed in Casa Vicens and later rebuilt in 2019 at the Museu de les Aigües with one difference: the water is now recycled.

The Agbar Agora

The Agora is a former storage facility that operated between 1954 and 2004, at which point it became a multi-purpose space dedicated to meetings and debates around water, culture and society.

The Historical Archive of the Sociedad General de Aguas de Barcelona

Aigües de Barcelona was founded in 1867. Can you imagine everything we have seen and experienced since then? At the museum, we have a historical archive through which we have preserved documents of great historical value about the water supply to Barcelona and its metropolitan area.

To view the archive, please make an appointment by sending an email to: